design academy presents sample paper of jee(drawing part), practice these questions and for expert feedback mail us your work with your name and question number on

Sample Questions-

1-draw a 3D composition of 2 books,1 geometry box,1 drinking glass,1 alarm clock ,1 table lamp . also show the effect of light in the composition by shading.

2-draw from your memory India in 2050.

3-using 4 cylinder only, design 3D composition .also shade the composition to show the effect of light.

4-using 3 triangles and  3 circles draw a 2D composition also colour it.

5-draw from your memory an ice-cream seller surrounded with children.give as much detail as u can .(don't colour the composition).

6-you are an ante on a street of a metro-city draw the view you can see. 

7- draw a milk man with his buffalo ,both should be in proportion of each other . don't colour the sketch.

8- given below figure is a top view of a 3D object ,draw correct 3D front view looking in the direction of arrow.

9-draw a mirror image of the given figure without using any geometrical instrument .


10-design 5 Olympic games logo us geometrical shape only.there is no limitation of number and size ,also colour the logo.

11-draw from your memory children playing in public park . draw the composition with maximum details(don't colour the composition)

12-draw an illusion using any 2 shape(circle,triangle,square,rectangle,pentagon). also colour it.

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